
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Feastgs Circumcision & Holy Name, Jan 1, 2, 2013

Feast of The Circumcision, Jan. 1, 2013
Feast of The Holy Name of Jesus, Jan. 2, 2013

The Circumcision of our Lord was done in obedience to the Law of Moses. In this, and in His entire life and death, Jesus fulfilled the Law and the Prophets and closed them out. He gave to us a New Testament, and gave us His Bride, the Church, to guide us along the holy and narrow path to His Kingdom.

The Priests of the Old Testament spoke in figures or representations of things to come. Today the Priests of Christ’s Church speak of things that are. The Messiah has come. The Old Law has been fulfilled. Today we can draw our courage from the Holy Name of Jesus. Calling on His Name has sent demons running away in fear, sometimes even when His name is called out by wicked persons who need Him. His name can cast devils back into hell, and it is a healing oil for our wounds. His name is a delight and comfort to sinners. His name is a blessed hope because the word Jesus means savior. Hope in Him, trust in Him, and call upon Him whenever you leave home and whenever you enter any place. Call upon the Name of Jesus and you are prepared for anything that comes your way.

 The many names given to the Messiah all echo His Majesty and His Compassion. Psalm 62: 12, 13 “These two things have I heard, that power belongeth to God, and mercy to thee, O Lord.” As to His Majesty, “holy and terrible is His Name” (Psalm 110: 9), and as to His Compassion, “there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4: 12). And in Isaias 9: 6: “And His Name shall be called wonderful. Counselor, God the Mighty, the Father of the world to come, the Prince of peace.” Does not the name God liquefy and flow forth when we call him Emmanuel, God-with-us?  We have seen this before in history, this softening and pouring out of grace, as Abram was softened into Abraham and Sarai softened into Sara.

“Thy name is as oil poured out,” (Canticle of Canticles 1: 2 [Song of Songs]) He poured His oil upon Jacob and it overflowed upon Israel and throughout Judea, and from there to every country of the world. From the one Christ, millions are now named Christians, and we can join now in saying “Thy name is as oil poured out.” We are Christians, and so we are brothers and sisters to Christ, heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.” (Romans 8: 17) Why did the Holy Ghost compare Him to oil in King Solomon’s Canticles? Because oil gives us light and nourishment, and anoints us with a healing balm. Oil feeds the flame in an oil lamp, it sustains the body when we eat it as food, and it eases our pains. The name of Jesus throws light upon what is being preached, it nourishes our thoughts, and it soothes and anoints those who are called to follow Him.

Jesus is the name that St. Paul was commanded to carry to the people of Israel, and he carried it as a beacon telling everyone, including us: “The night is passed, and the day is at hand. Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly as in the day.” (Romans 13: 12, 13) Everywhere he went, Paul preached “Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” (1 Corinthians 2: 2)  In the name of Jesus,  St. Peter cured a man who was crippled and could not walk.

His name is also food. We are strengthened every time we call upon the name of Jesus. His name refreshes our tired senses, “strengthens virtue, nourishes good and worthy habits, fosters pure affections.” Food for the soul is dry indeed if it is not dipped in the oil of His name, and it is tasteless if not seasoned with the salt of the name of Jesus.

His name is also a healing medicine. Invoke His name in adoration and with reverence and complete trust and He will heal your soul and, if it is His Will and fitting for your salvation, He will heal your body also. If anyone is rushing into death in deep despair, if he calls upon the Name of Jesus, will he not breath again in life in the Resurrection?  “Call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.” (Psalm 49: 15) His name will hold back violence that comes from our anger, deflates the swelling of our pride, heals the wounds of someone else’s spite. It dams the flow of sensuality and extinguishes the flame of lust. The name of Jesus curbs the thirst of greed, and stops whatever is unbecoming to us as brothers and sisters to Christ.

If we reverently speak the Name of Jesus, we place before our mind a Man who is meek and humble of heart, kindly, calm, chaste, merciful, and Who has every virtue and grace. This is the Omnipotent God Who heals us by His example and strengthens us by His grace. All this is ours when we reverently speak the name of Jesus. Keep His name close to you, like your most treasured possession.

By the Name of Jesus the whole world was changed. Tyranny was laid low, the devil was trodden under foot and Heaven was thrown open. By His name we are born again. His name makes Martyrs, Confessors and the Faithful.

Hold fast to His name because it is the means by which we can correct our evil ways and those of others. It is the means whereby we can defend our hearts against corruption and, if we have been corrupted, it is the means to restore our hearts to purity. Let His Name be always in your heart and in your mind and all of your thoughts and actions will be directed to Jesus, Who is the Resurrection and the Life. +++

[Thanks to Sts. Bernard, Chrysostom and Bede for today’s sermon.]

We Celebrate the Traditional Tridentine Latin Mass

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